There are as many reasons to volunteer as there are ways. The benefits of volunteering your time range from a brighter outlook on the world to becoming more physically fit. Volunteering in community activities helps you connect with your neighbors and learn more about the area you live in. Five of the best reasons to volunteer with non-profit organizations are:
1. Happiness
The London School of Economics and Political Science reported that adults who volunteered had a greater level of happiness when compared to people who did not. One noted reason for feeling better was the ability to understand other people’s concerns and be empathetic. The study noted how the volunteer’s outlook on life and situations was more positive, which added to the general happy feelings.
2. Friendships
Volunteering in your community fosters friendships. While working on projects or goals, you naturally meet people with like interests. It can expand your social network and contacts. Working with other volunteers can create a support system and give people a sense of being part of a group or a family-like environment.
3. Self Esteem
Volunteering empowers you, and the work can give you a sense of fulfillment. The Healthy Place documents how volunteering can give someone the feeling that they are making a difference or causing a positive change in their community.
4. Physical Fitness
A study performed by Harvard Medical School noted older volunteers had lower blood pressure than non-volunteers did. Volunteers noted lower stress levels, which may be one reason for the controlled blood pressure. High levels of stress are often linked to high blood pressure.
Many groups require a lot of physical activity. Your local animal shelter may need dog walkers. Meals On Wheels America has the driver jumping in and out of the vehicle and hand delivering meals. Habitat For Humanity needs volunteers to swing hammers, paint, and plant grass.
5. Increase Skill Levels
Volunteering in your community can benefit you by teaching you new skills. Many organizations need lots of help, and they are willing to teach you the skills necessary to help them. Some of the things you can learn are:
- Phone and communication skills
- Computer skills
- Sales skills
These new abilities can help you gain promotions in your current career or help you get into a new field of work. It will give you some additional information to put on a resume. You might be able to get references from the organization that you volunteer for too.
These are only a few of the reasons to volunteer in your community. Volunteering seems to improve mental health by making a person feel happier, a part of something greater and creates goals and a sense of accomplishment. Volunteering benefits the person serving, the community, and organization. It is a win-win for everyone.